This study was produced within the framework of the EU-funded Technical Assistance project “Strengthening non-State actors’ Capacities to Promote Reform and increase Public Accountability”, implemented by a Consortium led by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. (KAS). The research was conducted by the Institute of New Social Studies NGO from September-November 2015. The purpose of the study is to analyse the experience of civil society organisations (CSO) in trying to involve themselves in policy dialogue in Armenia. Although several research studies have been conducted in this area, including the project1 “CSO Engagement in Policy-Making and Monitoring of Policy Implementation: Needs and Capacities, Armenia” produced in the framework of the “Strengthening non-State actors’ Capacities to Promote Reform and increase Public Accountability”, these case studies provide another format for presenting the CSOs’ accumulated experience. In particular, the case studies present the specific experience of CSOs in organising and implementing advocacy campaigns and the mechanisms they used, allowing for an indepth analysis of the applied strategies.