To enhance the overall capacity of the community, the “CapSLoc. Capacities for Sustained Locally-Led Development” program conducted a three-day training course for representatives of local self-government bodies and community servants in October.
During the three-day training course, community representatives had the opportunity to delve into various topics related to community development, project development, leadership, participatory government, participatory budgeting, and other relevant topics.
Facilitated by experienced trainers, participants gained a deeper understanding of the subjects they deal with in their daily work. They engaged in discussions on how to effectively engage citizens and streamline the development of community development programs.
Zohrab Papikyan, a first-class specialist in the financial department of the Akhuryan municipality, shared that the course not only enabled him to update his knowledge on certain topics but also provided him with fresh insights and information necessary for efficiently organizing his work.
The three-day courses were spent with active discussions, during which a number of issues were raised for the effective implementation of local self-government in the Akhuryan community.
These three days were filled with active discussions, during which several critical issues were addressed to enhance the effective implementation of local self-government in the Akhuryan community.
“CapSLoc: Capacities for Sustained Locally-Led Development” project is supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
“CapSLoc: Capacities for Sustained Locally-Led Development” project is implemented by “NGO Center” civil society development NGO, in cooperation with Urban Foundation, “Women for Development” NGO, “Armenian Caritas” benevolent NGO and “Compass” scientific-research, education and consulting center” NGO.