“Philanthropy in Armenia” Policy research

In April 2020, the NGO Center with the support of the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) Stichting began a new initiative aimed at exploring the culture of social entrepreneurship in Armenia (opportunities and constraints) as another source of funding.



Within the scope of the Policy Research project, the NGO Center will:


  • Conduct analysis and research of legislation, policy documents and practice and map out the issues that affect philanthropy in Armenia and identify good practices and shortcomings;
  • Prepare a research and policy paper with specific recommendations on how the environment for philanthropy in Armenia could be improved.
  • Organize a small discussion to present and seek input on the findings of the pre-final research;



The methodology envisions desk studies on existing legal regulation related to various fundraising methods from both companies and individuals, official inquiries, review of bank practices with regard to opening bank accounts for donations and reporting requirements and online semi-structured surveys among the CSOs etc.