On August 6, an important meeting took place in the RA National Assembly between representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) and Mariam Poghosyan, a member of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs. The meeting was initiated by the NGO Center, highlighting the active cooperation between the state administration system and civil society.
The main goal of the meeting was to promote dialogue between CSOs and members of parliament. More than 20 CSO representatives from different regions of Armenia and Yerevan participated in the event. During the meeting, the participants discussed the problems arising during the activities of CSOs and the possibilities of their resolution in the context of state support.
The discussion contributed to the creation of an atmosphere of mutual understanding and the identification of ways for further cooperation. Deputy Mariam Poghosyan noted, “I think the effectiveness of state administration also depends on proper cooperation with civil society.”
The NGO Center regularly initiates similar meetings and discussions with RA Government departments and the National Assembly, contributing to the establishment of a stable dialogue between civil society and state bodies.
This meeting was another step towards more transparent and effective public administration, where the voice of civil society is heard and taken into account.
This Dialogue meeting was organized within the framework of “CSOs4SLD:CSOs for Sustainable Local Development” project. The project is implementing by “NGO Center” Civil Society Development NGO. The project is financed by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and co-financed by the EU.