With the support of USAID through the “CapSLoc: Capacities for Sustained Locally-Led Development” project, the Urban Sustainable Development Foundation has provided advisory assistance to Akhuryan Municipality. The municipality’s staff participated in training sessions and received expert support to organize the process of developing the community’s 2025 Annual Work Plan (AWP) more efficiently.
While developing the AWP, the municipality also relies on the findings of the “Civic Index” and “Community Asset Mapping” studies conducted under the program. These studies summarize the needs and perceptions of the community’s residents regarding development.
The draft versions of Akhuryan’s 2025 AWP and budget will soon be discussed during public hearings held in community development centers, which operate in about 30 settlements with USAID support.
“CapSLoc: Capacities for Sustained Locally-Led Development” project is supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
“CapSLoc: Capacities for Sustained Locally-Led Development” project is implemented by “NGO Center” civil society development NGO, in cooperation with Urban Foundation, “Women for Development” NGO, “Armenian Caritas” benevolent NGO and “Compass” scientific-research, education and consulting center” NGO.